Cancellation & Amendment Policy

Cancellation and Amendment Policy

Last Updated: October 30, 2023

At SG Learn x Credentials, we understand that sometimes plans change. We aim to provide a straightforward and fair policy for course cancellations and amendments. Please review the following guidelines to ensure a smooth process.

1. Cancellation of Training Courses

Cancellation Period:

  • Cancellations can be made up to 5 working days before the scheduled course start date.
  • Courses canceled within 5 working days of the scheduled start date may be subject to a cancellation fee.

Cancellation Process:

  • To cancel your course, please contact our customer support team by emailing [email protected].
  • In your email, provide your full name, contact information, and the course details, including the course name, date, and time.

Cancellation Fees:

  • Courses canceled outside of the cancellation period are eligible for a full refund.
  • Courses canceled within the specified period may be subject to a cancellation fee. The amount will vary depending on the timing and nature of the course.

2. Amendment of Training Courses

Amendment Period:

  • Amendments to course dates or times can be requested up to 5 working days before the scheduled course start date.
  • Amendments requested within 5 working days of the scheduled start date may be subject to an amendment fee.

Amendment Process:

  • To request an amendment to your course, please contact our customer support team by emailing [email protected].
  • In your email, provide your full name, contact information, and the course details, including the current course details and the requested changes.

Amendment Fees:

  • Amendments made outside of the specified amendment period may not incur additional fees.
  • Amendments requested within the period may be subject to an amendment fee. The amount will vary depending on the timing and nature of the course.

Contact Information

For course cancellations, amendments, or any questions regarding this policy, please contact us at:

SG Learn x Credentials Pte Ltd 328 North Bridge Road Raffles Hotel Arcade #02-20 Singapore 188710 Email: [email protected]

Fair Use and Responsibility

We kindly request that you make cancellations or amendments responsibly, considering the impact on other learners and our scheduling. Unauthorized sharing or distribution of course materials is prohibited.

SG Learn x Credentials reserves the right to amend this Cancellation and Amendment Policy, and any updates will be reflected here.