How much can I save?

Course Subsidy

Here are the different subsidies that can reduce the cost of getting certified.

Skillsfuture Funding​

50 – 90% course funding for SG/PR or SME/MNC Sponsored​


50% of payable course fee for NTUC members (Cap at $250 / $500)​

Skillsfuture Enterprise Credit

Tap into $10000 Skillsfuture Enterprise Credit from your employer

Post Secondary Education Account (PSEA)​

Account that SG can tap on up till age of 30​

Skillsfuture Credit​

Credits for SG to take up training courses ($500 in 2015 and $500 in 2020)​

Upcoming Training Support

Skillsfuture Mid-Career Training Allowance / Subsidy for 2nd Diploma / Full-Time Training Allowance

Want to learn how subsidies can help you achieve your desired qualification?

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